Digilife Technologies

Digilife Technologies Limited is a listed company headquartered in Singapore which operates largely in the business segments of Telecommunications and Technology in South West and South Asia. Digilife Technologies has reinvented itself to keep pace with social, cultural and technological developments that have transformed Asia. The company seeks to be the cornerstone of a futuristic, innovative and intelligent style of human living and play a focal role in social reorganisation in a rapidly evolving world.

Dr. Modi

Chairman & Group CEO

A Global Thought Leader and Global Business Leader, Dr. BK Modi has for over four decades, leveraged his rich business legacy as the scion of one of India’s oldest business families, evolving as a futurpreneur who exudes panache, initiative and a lifelong quest to move with time.

Dr. Modi has led immensely successful alliances with global business partners that have revolutionised the field of office automation, wireless telephony and mobility, earning him the epithet of ‘JV King of India’. Today, his business endeavours are centred around his philosophy of living happy and healthy ‘Beyond 100’, pioneering such technology driven businesses that enhance human longevity, quality and standard of living.

He is the Founder of the Global Citizen Forum, Global Chairman of the Foreign Investors India Forum and Honorary President of the World Federation of United Nations Association.

Our Services


Digilife Technologies operates through its local subsidiary ‘Bharat IT’ in India. It is a leading technology service and solution provider, furnishing business-friendly solutions encompassing the spectrum of hardware and ancillary services that integrate with client business delivery models. Bharat IT primarily serves clients in industries such as Banking & Financial Services,and the Public Sector.